5 Ways To Remind Yourself Of Motivation Using Quotations

If you’re feeling unmotivated and need a boost of energy to stay focused on your goals, motivational quotations can be helpful reminders. Quotes offer concise, yet powerful words of encouragement that remind us why we started and remind us of the power each of us has to succeed. Here are 5 ways to remind yourself of motivation using quotations.

1. Create An Inspiration Board
The easiest and most straightforward way to use quotes to inspire yourself is to create an inspiration or vision board. The board can be a physical one where you hang quotes and images around your home or office, or a virtual one where you save quotes and pictures to use as your desktop wallpaper. However you create it, it will serve as a visual reminder each day of why you’re working hard and striving for success.

2. Set Motivational Screen Savers
You can create a single text or image that you set as your PC or mobile wallpaper or lock screen. You can also use a program that cycles through different images, each of them carrying a reminder of why you’re working hard.

3. Note Cards
Grab a stack of affordable blank card and write down motivational quotes on them. Keep them in a kitchen drawer, on a shelf or somewhere else where you can them easily. You can grab one randomly when you need a quick pick-me-up, or set yourself a routine of writing one down each morning before your day begins.

4. Phone & Tablet Backgrounds
You use your phone and tablet almost every day, so why not give your eyes something encouraging to look at when unlocking your phone? You can download images and make some minor edits to make them the perfect reminder of why you’re so powerful. Make sure to set them to lock screen mode so that you’ll see them whenever you get distracted.

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5. Make Wrist Reminders
Another great way to remind yourself of why you’re put in all this effort is to get yourself some cheap, colorful rubber bracelets or silicone fitness bands. Whenever you feel frustrated or down, you can look down at your wrist to be reminded that success is just around the corner.

Using Quotations To Spread Positivity

One of the best reasons to use quotations for motivation is that it allows you to spread positivity to those around you that may not be as positive. Quotations are a great way to pass on inspiring words from others who have gone through the same trials and obstacles as you have, and are now past where you’re currently stuck. Doing this lets you not only benefit from the positivity of those around you, but also lets them know that you’re classically more empathetic and caring.

Moreover, it encourages you to share this positivity with your friends, family, and colleagues. If they’re going through similar issues as you, they’ll appreciate being able to rely on your mindfulness and positivity. Spreading positivity around will ultimately lead to a better social and professional life, and ultimately help increase your own motivation.

When you spread positivity to others, you also positively support and encourage yourself. Each time you pass on a kind word, you likely didn’t realize the potential impact that the gesture would have for your own happiness. By giving others a smile, you’ll find yourself smiling in return.

Using Quotations To Set Goals

Using positive quotations and little reminders throughout your day can help you stay focused on reaching your goals. You can start by writing down just one or two quotes that really resonate with you and your goals, and then stick them to the fridge or hang them somewhere you easily see them.

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Creating a list of short, inspiring accomplishments can help you stay focused a well. Ask yourself what you need to do to achieve the goal. Then break the goal down into smaller, achievable parts and set reminders throughout the day to remind you of what you need to do. This makes sure that each step is achievable, it also helps you avoid becoming overwhelmed when trying to achieve a larger goal.

Ultimately, you’ll also want to pick up new quotations every few weeks or so to keep your mind fresh. This will help you constantly update and adjust your focus, as nothing stays the same forever. A new set of words can really give you the burst of energy and optimism you need to remain motivated.

Using Quotations To Stay Focused

Even during moments of procrastination, quotes can help you stay focused and determined to cross the finish line. Whether it’s during study blocks or crunch time at work, you sometimes find yourself easily distracted with thoughts about the future or dwelling on the past. During these moments, it’s easy to become unmotivated and discouraged.

In these moments, simply take a couple of minutes to cool down your mind. Sit in silence and just take a few deep breathes. Ideas and solutions will come to you, especially if you allow yourself to spend a few free moments to rest and relax. Once you have done that, find an inspiring quote to help you ground yourself back in focus.

In addition, you can also make it a habit to repeat a powerful quote in your head when you first wake up to set your day on a successful path. Repetition is one of the best communication tools there is, and by repeating certain words every day, you’ll be much more likely to see their impact.

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10 keywords: motivation, quotations, inspiration board, screen saver, note cards, phone backgrounds, tablet backgrounds, rubber bracelets, positivity, set goals.

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